Acorn is celebrating the milestone of being in business for 25 years this month.
First incorporated in August 1998, two of the original founders Paul and Chris have retired over the last decade, passing the reins to Managing Director Steve Tomlin who has been with Acorn since 2001. Steve is now joined on the board by Liam Reynolds and Patrick Davis, both of whom are long standing employees for Acorn, continuing our promotion from within policy that has given our clients the long-term stability they value.
Our 25th birthday sees a whole new look for our branding and website, along with fresh new wraps for our vehicles. Further work will follow this weekend’s website relaunch with more features and pages being added all the time and a new social media presence to support our marketing.
Not only have Acorn survived the 2008 downturn and the more recent Covid turmoil, but we have also grown our business having a record year in 2022, and the current year looks to beat that performance yet again.
We would very much like to take this opportunity to thank our clients, old and new, some of whom have been working with us for a great majority of the last 25 years, and to our whole team, both on site and in the back room, who help deliver our projects so successfully.
We very much look forward to the next 25 years!